More EAs have used Gleim to pass the EA Exam than any other course or provider!
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As long as you are preparing for and taking the EA exam section(s) for which you purchased the Gleim Premium EA Review System, we will ensure that you have Access Until You Pass®. Your electronic material will update automatically when new editions are released and when content revisions are made. In addition, we’ll ship you the new edition of the book(s) for only the cost of shipping.
If you follow the Gleim “suggested steps” detailed in our Premium EA Review System, are unsuccessful in passing the exam, and are not satisfied with the System, we will refund your purchase price paid for the applicable sections. You must request this refund within 12 months of your purchase.
Gleim Publications, Inc., guarantees the immediate refund of all resalable books and unopened, un-downloaded audios returned within 30 days of purchase. Online materials may be canceled within 30 days of purchase if no more than one study unit has been accessed. Online CPE courses may be canceled within 30 days of adding the course to your Personal Transcript if the Outline has not yet been accessed. This policy applies only to products purchased directly from Gleim Publications, Inc.
No refunds will be provided for opened or downloaded audios, partial returns of package sets, or shipping and handling charges. Any freight charges incurred for returned or refused packages will be the purchaser’s responsibility. For more information regarding the Gleim Return Policy, please contact our offices at (800) 874-5346.
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